Plugin Tag: upload
Resize on Upload
(0 total ratings)Provides the ability to set a maximum width or height an uploaded image can be, if the image is larger then it is resized.
Gravity Forms Image in HTML
(2 total ratings)Adds a button to Gravity Forms form editor HTML input field to insert or upload an image via Wordpress media uploader.
Large Images Uploader
(0 total ratings)Upload large images to your wordpress without max size threshold and without failing because of your hosting timeout limits.
Image Upload Widget
(3 total ratings)Image Upload Widget is a widget that allows users to upload images.
File Upload Field for Formidable Forms (lite)
(3 total ratings)File Upload Field for Formidable Forms (lite) plugin consists of one module:
Auto Rename Media On Upload
(1 total ratings)Automatically renames any media files you upload by adding a prefix to the beginning of the filename based on the filetype.
(5 total ratings)Giving you greater control over how each of your media item sizes are cropped.
Remove Special Characters on Upload
(3 total ratings)A plugin that will help you remove special characters from the name of your files.
Media Features
(5 total ratings)Adds category organization, file type filter/browser, uploaded image resize, crop and JPEG quality controllers.
Add Custom Fields to Media
(2 total ratings)Allows users to add custom fields to the media uploader and access those fields in posts or template files. Great for adding copyrights, image meta et …
(17 total ratings)Uploading by logged-in users of sets of image files and associated data. Administrators design the upload form, and download the images and data.
s2member Secure File Browser
(15 total ratings)The best way to share files securely with your clients, customers, friends and community.
Image Automatic Alt Text and Caption
(0 total ratings)Automatically fills in the Alt text, Caption, and Description from the image file name of new image uploads.
YouTube Upload Widget
(4 total ratings)The YouTube Upload Widget allows you to easily add video to your WordPress blog.
Easy Download Media Counter
(2 total ratings)Requires at least 3.0 Tested up to 3.3.1 Stable tag: 1.2 This plugin allows easy media downloads count using shortcodes
Upload Directory Cleaner
(1 total ratings)The UDC plugin allows you to scan and delete all unregistered files from your Wordpress upload directory.
(0 total ratings)Comment Image Embedder is a very simple plugin that, once installed, lets your visitors add an image to their comments.